
unusual facts about 4gl

IBM Informix-4GL

The Informix-4GL project was started in 1985, with Chris Maloney as chief architect.


4GL | 4gl |

Forte 4GL

Being an enterprise application development system, Forté 4GL supported close linkage to a number of different relational database systems, including Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, and DB2.

Fourth-generation programming language

More recently Oracle Corporation's Oracle Designer and Oracle Developer Suite 4GL products could be integrated to produce database definitions and the forms and reports programs.

Language primitive

There are some elements of interpreted language primitives embodied in 4gl and 5gl specifications but the approach to the original problem is less a procedural language construct and are more oriented toward problem solving and systems engineering.

4gls and 5gls do not have a simple one-to-many correspondence from high-to-low level primitives.


SystemBuilder is the name of a 4GL development and runtime environment originally written for the Pick family of computer databases/environments and now part of the Rocket U2 software suite.


WinDev is an integrated development environment (IDE) fourth generation language (4GL), first published by PC SOFT in 1993, which is based upon a run-time engine (framework).

see also