"A Leela of Her Own" is the sixteenth episode in the third season of the animated series Futurama and is a homage to A League of Their Own directed by Penny Marshall.
Leela is on the fast track to becoming the worst blernsball player ever and seeks help to prevent that by enlisting Hank Aaron XXIV, a distant relative of Hank Aaron, who is currently the worst blernsball player of all time.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali | Leela | Leela's Homeworld | Leela Naidu | Leela (Futurama) | Leela Desai | var.''leela'' figures 3, 3a. Plate accompanying de Nicéville's description in the ''Journal of the The Asiatic Society | Leela Savasta | Leela Dube |