8-bit | 16-bit | bit | 32-bit | Atari 8-bit family | Come a Little Bit Closer | No Longer at Ease | bit rate | 24-bit | The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die | South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut | Ooh Aah... Just A Little Bit | Longer | Least significant bit | Bit.Trip | Bit rate | Bit array | A Bit of Singing and Dancing | A Bit of Fry & Laurie | 8-bit color | 8-bit clean | 40-bit encryption | 256-bit | P.S. Longer Letter Later | Ooh Aah... Just a Little Bit | Longer Heavier Vehicle | Little Bit O' Soul | Just a Little Bit of You | Bit.Trip Beat | Bit Riot Records |
The song was released as the first single on the third album A Little Bit Longer in Japan, but goes under the name "Love Is Watching Each Other." (in Japanese: 見つめあう恋).