With MIME, a message and all its attachments are encapsulated in a single multipart message, with base64 encoding to convert binary into 7-bit ASCII - or on modern mail servers running Extended SMTP, optionally full 8-bit support via the 8BITMIME extension.
Clean Water Act | 8-bit | 16-bit | bit | 32-bit | Atari 8-bit family | Clean Air Act | Come a Little Bit Closer | Clean Air Act 1956 | The Clean | clean and jerk | bit rate | A Clean Escape | 24-bit | Ooh Aah... Just A Little Bit | Mr. Clean | Least significant bit | Clean Ponds | Clean Air Act (United States) | Bit.Trip | Bit rate | Bit array | A Bit of Singing and Dancing | A Bit of Fry & Laurie | 8-bit color | 8-bit clean | 40-bit encryption | 256-bit | The Clean Tech Revolution | The Clean Air Campaign |
When ZMODEM programs send pre-compressed 8-bit data files over 7-bit data channels,
Despite the machines' hardware being designed to accommodate for this, older, non 32-bit clean software in ROM forced these machines to run in 24-bit mode.