A Shine of Rainbows, also known as Tomás and the Rainbows, is a 2009 Irish family drama, directed and co-written by Vic Sarin, and a film adaptation of the novel A Shine of Rainbows by Lillian Beckwith.
Shine | Shine On You Crazy Diamond | Shine On, Harvest Moon | Rain or Shine Elasto Painters | In Rainbows | Fabienne Shine | Shine (film) | Let It Shine (film) | Let It Shine | I'm Always Chasing Rainbows | Brendan Shine | Shine-Dalgarno sequence | Shine! | Let Your Dim Light Shine | Where Rainbows End | Watching Rainbows | The Mahotella Queens' album ''Reign & Shine | Tarxien Rainbows F.C. | Stars Shine International | Simon O'Shine | Shine (Take That song) | Shine / Ride On | Shine over Babylon | Shine On, Harvest Moon (film) | Shine! (musical) | Shine (Luther Vandross song) | Shine (Cyndi Lauper album) | Shine (Booty Luv song) | Shine America | Shadow To Shine |