
4 unusual facts about A. J. Langguth

A. J. Langguth

Langguth is the author of several dark, satirical novels, a biography of the English short story master Saki, and lively histories of the Trail of Tears, the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Vietnam War, the political life of Julius Caesar and U.S. involvement with torture in Latin America.

Hidden Terrors (Pantheon Books, New York, 1978); Pantheon (paper), 1979; Portuguese language translation, 1979; Circulo do Livro, Brazilian book club edition, 1983; Russian language edition, Moscow, 1985

Dan Mitrione

In 1960 he was assigned to State Department's International Cooperation Administration, going to South American countries to teach "advanced counterinsurgency techniques." A. J. Langguth, a former New York Times bureau chief in Saigon, claimed that Mitrione was among the US advisers teaching Brazilian police how much electric shock to apply to prisoners without killing them.

Hidden Terrors

It was written by A. J. Langguth and the first edition was published 1978 by Pantheon Books in New York.


A. J. Langguth |

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