
5 unusual facts about A. O. Neville

A. O. Neville

More than 25% of Noongah were confiscated in this way and sent to "concentration-like camps" at Mogumber at Moore River and Carrolup near Katanning.

Neville has been portrayed in artistic works as the public face of this policy in the 2002 film Rabbit Proof Fence (played by Kenneth Branagh), and in Jack Davis' 1985 play, No Sugar.

Following his retirement he was asked to represent Western Australia on discussions regarding Aboriginal Welfare in connection with the Woomera Test Range in 1947 prior to the establishment of the range.

Neville was a notable resident of Darlington and was a regular user of the Eastern Railway which closed a few months before his death.

Queens Park, Western Australia

The largest single land holder in Queens Park was Sister Kate's children's home which was founded by Sister Kate in 1934 and expanded in 1936 which at the time, A. O. Neville, the government Chief Protector of Aboriginals was the architect of an official scheme which oversaw the care, custody and education of Aboriginal and half-caste children under 16 years in the state.

Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence

Noyce agreed to direct the film, which was released in 2002 and starred Everlyn Sampi as Molly, and British actor Kenneth Branagh as A. O. Neville, the Chief Protector of Aborigines.

Katherine Mary Clutterbuck

At this time A. O. Neville, the government Chief Protector of Aboriginals, was the architect of an official scheme which oversaw the care, custody and education of Aboriginal and half-caste children under 16 years in the state.

Thomas S. Estes

In early 1938 Estes received an honorable discharge from the Marines to join the United States Foreign Service as a clerk and was assigned to the legation in Bangkok, Thailand under American Minister Edwin L. Neville and Holbrook "Chappy" Chapman.


Marshall Kirk McKusick and George V. Neville-Neil, The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2004), ISBN 0-201-70245-2, pp.

see also