
2 unusual facts about A. chinensis

A. chinensis

Anemone chinensis, one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine

Aesculus chinensis, the Chinese horse chestnut, a tree species found in eastern Asia

C. chinensis

Calyptraea chinensis, the Chinese hat snail or Chinese hat shell, a small sea snail species found in North-West Africa, in the Mediterranean, the North Sea, the Black Sea and the Atlantic Ocean

Corylus chinensis, the Chinese filbert or Chinese hazel, a deciduous tree species native to western China

Cryptocarya chinensis, the Chinese cryptocarya, a medium-sized evergreen tree species native to the subtropical forests of Taiwan, southern China and Japan

R. chinensis

Rosa chinensis, the China rose, a plant species native to central China

T. chinensis

Tsuga chinensis, the Taiwan or Chinese hemlock, a coniferous tree species native to China, Taiwan, Tibet and Vietnam

Tricyrtis chinensis, a herbaceous plant species found in southeastern China

see also