In a February 2005 ACNielsen poll, as reported in The Age, 56% thought the current abortion laws, which generally allow abortion for the sake of life, health, or economic factors, were "about right", 16% want changes in law to make abortion "more accessible" and 17% want changes to make it "less accessible".
In February 1950, though, the company was bought by competitor A.C. Nielsen.
Brosnan Walsh attended the Dominican Convent on Eccles Street before pursuing a career with ACNielsen, a market research firm.
Additionally, PNB was voted by the consumers for the fourth consecutive year (2003–2007) as Most Trusted Brand - Gold Category from the joint survey of the venerable international publication, Reader's Digest, and global media research giant, ACNielsen, along with a host of other brand leaders in the consumer product categories.
TAM Media Research (abbreviated TAM)is a joint venture company between AC Nielsen and Kantar Media Research/IMRB.