Akamai Technologies, which trades on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the symbol "AKAM"
Later that month the DRC justice minister Georges Minsay Booka directed Gécamines to take note that Akam Mining had no stake in the property.
David Akam,Nigel Bloor, Bernard Chesneau, Stuart Coles, Mike Doyle, Tim Harris, Stephen Swart, Terry Sweeney, Adrian Timmis, Chris Whorton.
In 2007 there was an ownership dispute over the Kalukundi Mine when a DRC company named Akam Mining claimed it had bought control of Swanmines, the holding company, and this claim was upheld in a superior court in Lubumbashi.
In September 2007 from DRC justice minister Georges Minsay Booka directed Gécamines to take note that Akam Mining had no stake in the property.
Finnish scholars Asko and Simo Parpola identify Meluhha (earlier variant Me-lah-ha) from earlier Sumerian documents with Dravidian mel akam "high abode" or "high country".