
unusual facts about ALEA

American Law and Economics Association

Robert Cooter is one of the ALEA's founders and served as its president from 1994 to 1995.

Costas Evangelatos

Kimon Friar translated in English, when Evangelatos was in the States, some emotional poems of him from the collection Alea Prosomoion published under the title In the small mirror (2003) in Greece (APOPEIRA editions).

Horacio Vaggione

From 1969 to 1973 he lived in Madrid, Spain, and was part of ALEA and co-founded an electronic studio and the Projects Music and Computer at the Autonomous University in Madrid with Luis de Pablo.

Léonard Aléa

Léonard Aléa was a French polemical writer of the early years of the nineteenth century, b.

Nelson Villagra

After a period in Europe he went on to Cuba to work with some of the most important South American directors of his time, such as Humberto Solás (La Cantata de Chile) and Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, winning the Best Actor award for his role as 'El Conde' in Gutiérrez Alea's The Last Supper at the 1978 Festival Internacional de Cine de Biarritz.

New England Festival of Ibero American Cinema

Most recently, NEFIAC hosted prominent Cuban novelist Edmundo Desnoes who is wordly known for his novel Memories of Underdevelopment immortalized by Cuban director Gutiérrez Alea in 1966.

Todd Brunel

He collaborated with saxophonist Bobby Watson (as principal clarinetist with the Opera Ebony of Harlem) and has performed with such groups as ALEA III, the American Opera Musical Theater Company, the Andover Chamber Players, the Greenwich Village Orchestra and many New York and Boston area orchestras.

see also