Development of the TIA was led by Jay Miner who continued at Atari expanding on the design of the TIA for the Atari 400/800 computers with the ANTIC and CTIA/GTIA chips.
ANTIC | Radomir Antić | Louis-Augustin Bosc d'Antic | Čedomir Antić |
It may be an example of Conway's law: clever designers made excellent hardware, by and large following a common model (memory-mapped register addressing for ANTIC, GTIA and Pokey, for example), but the lack of the teams' interaction made them work in curiously different ways.
In the early Antiquity, this area, which is geographically connected to the course of Bregalnica River or antic Astibos, was part of Paeonia, colonized by the Paeonian tribe known as the Derrones.
He received and acclimatized numerous North American plants brought back by André Michaux and Louis-Augustin Bosc d'Antic.