
unusual facts about ARVN


9K11 Malyutka

On 23 April 1972, the recently organized ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) 20th Tank Regiment was attacked by the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) employing the 9M14M Malyutka anti-tank guided missile for the first time.

ARVN Rucksack

ARVN rucksacks can be seen in use with the fictional platoon of the US Army's 25th Infantry Division in Oliver Stone's Vietnam War film Platoon.

Battle of Hoa Da – Song Mao

Following the Tet Offensive of 1968 the Viet Cong were placed in a difficult position in Bình Thuận Province, when elements of the ARVN 23rd Infantry Division were deployed to prevent the Việt Cộng from operating between the Central Highlands and the coastal areas.

The 200C Battalion's first target was the South Vietnamese base at Hoa Da, where approximately 400 South Vietnamese soldiers were stationed to prevent the Việt Cộng from operating between the Central Highlands and the coastal area, as part of an effort initiated by the ARVN 23rd Infantry Division.

Battle of Svay Rieng

The Battle of Svay Rieng was the last major operation of the Vietnam War to be mounted by the South Vietnamese army against the Communist VPA forces.

December 1964 South Vietnamese coup

Before dawn on December 19, 1964, the ruling military junta of South Vietnam led by General Nguyen Khanh dissolved the High National Council (HNC) and arrested some of its members.

Khmer Special Forces

Under the auspices of Operation “Freedom Runner” – a FANK training program set up in November 1971 by the United States Special Forces (USSF) –, Khmer Special Forces teams began to be sent to South Vietnam to attend Parachute courses at the ARVN Airborne Training Center in Long Thành, and the Special Forces’ (SF) course at the Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces (LLDB) Dong Ba Thin Training Center near Cam Ranh Bay.

McNamara Taylor mission

General Paul D. Harkins and his MACV staff generally presented a favourable picture of military progress, emphasizing the progress of the Strategic Hamlet Program, and the improved ARVN position.

Military advisor

In the early 1960s, elements of the U.S. Army Special Forces and Echo 31 went to South Vietnam as military advisors to train and assist the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN) for impending actions against the North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN).

Ngô Du

From his headquarters at Pleiku, he and his senior U.S. advisor, John Paul Vann, commanded ARVN forces during the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive of 1972.

Nguyen Van Nhung

The plotters summoned a group of ARVN officers to the Joint General Staff headquarters at Tân Sơn Nhứt Air Base, on the pretext that they were going to attend a lunch meeting.

Tran My Van

She and her family were forced to leave their country when the North Vietnamese Army defeated the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), during the Fall of Saigon.

Trảng Bàng District

Outside of Vietnam, it is most famous for the iconic and Pulitzer Prize-winning image of a nude Phan Thi Kim Phuc (who had torn off her burning clothes to survive the attack) and other Vietnamese children fleeing a napalm attack on the village of Trảng Bàng alongside ARVN soldiers.

Vietnamese Rangers

The Rangers wore all the uniforms that the ARVN wore, however they were known for their tightly tailored OG-107's and camouflage uniforms.


As observed by Lieutenant Dave Palmer, to qualify an ARVN candidate for U.S. helicopter school, he first needed to learn English; this, in addition to the months-long training and practice in the field, made adding new capabilities to the ARVN take at least two years.

Xá Lợi Pagoda raids

Later in the day, Đôn privately met with CIA agent Lucien Conein and reiterated that the Americans were mistaken in believing that the ARVN was responsible.

see also