AS Adema, of Antananarivo, in Madagascar, beat their arch-rivals Stade Olympique de l'Emyrne (SOE) as the result of a pre-determined protest by SOE over refereeing decisions that had gone against them during a four-team playoff tournament.
Following the match, the Fédération Malagasy de Football suspended the SOE coach, Zaka Be, for three years, and four of the team's players – defender Mamisoa Razafindrakoto, the captain of the Madagascar national football team the "Scorpions", SOE captain Manitranirina Andrianiaina, and players Nicolas Rakotoarimanana and goalkeeper Dominique Rakotonandrasana – were suspended until the end of the season and banned from visiting stadiums for the same period.
Adema | Minuscule 149 | ''Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg'', BWV 149 | New York State Route 149 | Colorado State Highway 149 |