
2 unusual facts about Aage Bohr

Aage Bohr

The shell model, developed in 1949, allowed some additional features to be explained, in particular the so-called magic numbers.

Bohr family

Aage Bohr, also a physicist and in 1975 also received the Nobel Prize.

Christian Bohr

Christian Harald Lauritz Peter Emil Bohr (1855–1911, both in Copenhagen) was a Danish physician, father of the physicist and Nobel laureate Niels Bohr, as well as the mathematician Harald Bohr and grandfather of another physicist and nobel laureate Aage Bohr.

Gaja Alaga

This is in accordance with the model for collective motion (based on nuclei deformed from a spherical shape, but with axial symmetry) for which Aage Bohr, Ben Roy Mottelson and James Rainwater won the 1975 Nobel Prize.

Pocono Conference

New participants were Niels Bohr, Aage Bohr, Paul Dirac, Walter Heitler, Eugene Wigner and Gregor Wentzel; while Kramers, MacInnes, Nordsieck, Pauling and Van Vleck who were at the Shelter Island Conference were absent.

see also