
unusual facts about Aalborg University – Esbjerg

Aalborg University – Esbjerg

The university offers programmes in information technology, with a Department of Software and Media Technology.

Church of Our Saviour, Esbjerg

In 1929, the church was decorated with frescos by Ole Søndergaard: the Paschal Lamb on the apse vault, Jesus blessing the children on the north wall, the Return of the Prodigal Son on the south wall and the Crucifixion on the chancel arch with groups of people on either side.


Beta Dwarf was formed by a small group of students, who moved into an unused classroom in Aalborg University – Copenhagen, in Denmark.

Nordic Game Jam

The 2013 edition of Nordic Game Jam is scheduled for January 18–20, 2013 at the Aalborg University – Copenhagen.

see also