
unusual facts about Aare


Jura water correction

(Thielle Channel); correction of the Aare river as from Büren to the city of Luterbach, including the junction of Emme River.


The Murgenthal Status stipulates that the flow of the Aare must not exceed 850m3/s (30,000 cu ft/s) at the gauge of Murgenthal's station which is located downstream of the confluence of the Aare and the Emme rivers.


Originally the municipality included villages on both sides of the Aare, but in 1868 the left bank of the river (including Niederruntigen, Buttenried) joined the municipality of Muhlenberg.

Regulating Dam Port, Seeland, Switzerland

This dam ensures the level control of the three lakes of Neuchâtel, Morat and Bienne, an area so called the "Seeland”,as well as the outflow of the Aare river downstream toward Solothurn, Aargau and the junction with Emme River down to the merging with the Rhine River.


The Paul Scherrer Institute is primarily located in Villigen, although part is across the Aare river in Würenlingen.

see also