
5 unusual facts about Aasta Hansteen

Aasta Hansteen

In 1862 she published anonymously a small book written in Nynorsk and had the distinction of being the first woman to publish in this language.

Overwhelmed by the interest in her portraits, she resigned from her craft for several years and moved to Telemark, where she developed an interest in Norwegian dialects.

Aasta Hansteen met or observed such leading reformers on the time as Lucy Stone, Julia Ward Howe, Mary Livermore, and Wendell Phillips.

She joined the The Norwegian Association for Women's Rights (Norsk Kvinnesaksforening) and became an active contributor in the press on women's rights.

Aasta Hansteen spar

Originally called the Luva gas field and later renamed after Aasta Hansteen, it was discovered in 1997 approximately 300 km off the coast of Norway.

see also