
3 unusual facts about Abba Eban

Abba Eban

In 1977 and 1981, it was widely understood that Shimon Peres intended to name Eban Foreign Minister, had the Labor Party won those elections.

Eli Eban

Eli Eban is an Israeli-American clarinetist and son of the venerable late Israeli diplomat Abba Eban.

Jonathan Lynn

Lynn was educated at Kingswood School, Bath, between 1954 and 1961, after which he studied Law at Pembroke College, Cambridge (where his uncle, Israeli statesman Abba Eban studied also).

Image and Reality of the Israel–Palestine Conflict

Finkelstein examines and scrutinizes popular historical versions of the conflict by authors such as Joan Peters, Benny Morris, Anita Shapira and Abba Eban.

see also