
2 unusual facts about Aberfeldy

Aberfeldie, Victoria

Scotsman James Robertson named his property Aberfeldie, located on the corner of Aberfeldie Sreet and Park Crescent, after the town Aberfeldy in Scotland.

Aberfeldy, Scotland

Areas further outside of Aberfeldy (particularly to the north and west) give way to the extensive Grampian Mountains, with scenic peaks such as Creag Odhar, Farragon (780m), Schiehallion (1083m), Ben Lawers (1214m) and Sron Mhor punctuating the landscape.

Highland Railway Yankee Tanks

They were used on branch line services, including those to Burghead, Fortrose, Portessie and Aberfeldy.

Malcolm Appleby

He has lived in Scotland for most of his working life, and currently maintains an atelier at Grandtully near Aberfeldy, Perthshire.

Star Wheel Press

Key gigs have included the Southern Fried Festival in Perth with Samantha Crain, support slots with The Blind Boys of Alabama, Lyle Lovett, 2011's Aberfeldy Festival alongside James Yorkston and Admiral Fallow and a headline show at Edinburgh's Wee Red Bar in September 2011 with support from French Wives.

The Hazey Janes

The last few years have seen the band tour extensively throughout the UK, performing both as headlining artists and as support of several major acts such as Snow Patrol, Elbow, Idlewild, Brakes, Aberfeldy and Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

see also