The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2000 and was shown at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival in the Czech Republic in July 2000 but wasn't released theatrically until it opened in Ireland in January 2001.
He has directed such films as Guiltrip, Black Day at Black Rock, Alarm and About Adam.
Adam | Adam Smith | Adam and Eve | Adam Mickiewicz | Adam Sandler | Adam Lambert | Adam-12 | Adam Ant | Adam Faith | Adam Again | Adam Michnik | Robert Adam | Adam Sedgwick | Adam Savage | Adam (Bible) | Adam West | Adam of Bremen | Adam Warlock | Adam Strange | Adam Hochschild | Adam Rapp | Adam Hughes | Adam Carolla | Adam Baldwin | Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein | Adam Hart-Davis | Adam Buxton | Adam Brand | Adam Yauch | Adam McKay |
In the Zohar (55b), Hadraniel speaks to Adam about Adam's possession of the Book of the Angel Raziel, which was said to contain secret information that not even the angels knew.