
3 unusual facts about Abraham bar Hiyya

Abraham bar Hiyya

Against Rapoport, Guttmann has shown (Monatsschrift, p. 201, note 2) that Naḥmanides read and used the Hegyon ha-Nefesh, though occasionally differing from it; but while Saadia is elsewhere quoted by Abraham b.

In this field of philosophy he had also pioneer work to do; for, as is shown by Guttmann (Monatsschrift, 1900, p. 195), in refutation of Kaufmann's assumption that the Hegyon ha-Nefesh was originally written in Arabic (Z. D. M. G. xxx. 364; Die Spuren Al-Baṭlajûsis, p. 28, and Bacher, Die Bibelexegese der Jüdischen Religionsphilosophen des Mittelalters, p. 82), Abraham b.

# such as lead a life altogether apart from worldly pursuits and devoted only to God ("these are but few in number and may in their sovereignty over the world be regarded as one individuality"; Alfarabi, Model State; see Guttmann, ib. p. 212, note)

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