As part of the Überwald, Abtsteinach borders in the north on the community of Mörlenbach, in the east on the community of Wald-Michelbach, in the south on the community of Heiligkreuzsteinach (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis in Baden-Württemberg) and in the west on the communities of Gorxheimertal and Birkenau.
Abtsteinach lies off the greater Bundesstraßen, but is nevertheless easily reached over the linking roads from Weinheim to Wald-Michelbach.
Gorxheimertal borders in the north on the community of Birkenau, in the east on the community of Abtsteinach, in the southeast on the community of Heiligkreuzsteinach and in the south and west on the town of Weinheim (both in the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis in Baden-Württemberg).