Horst Bredekamp, Michael Diers, Charlotte Schoell-Glass (eds.): Aby Warburg. Akten des internat. Symposiums Hamburg 1990. Weinheim 1991.
Georges Didi-Huberman, L'image survivante: histoire de l'art et temps des fantômes selon Aby Warburg.
Oraibi features prominently in a famous writing by Aby Warburg, "Das Schlangenritual. Ein Reisebericht.", which is the transcript of a lecture given in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland in 1923 (English translation "Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America"; also translated into many other languages).
Semon's book Die Mneme directly influenced the Mnemosyne project of the idiosyncratic art historian Aby Warburg.
Warburg | Warburg Institute | Åby | Otto Warburg | Aby Warburg | Åby Racetrack | Aby | Warburg Pincus | Warburg Dillon Read | Paul Warburg | Åby, Norrköping | Warburg's Tincture | Warburg hypothesis | Warburg effect | Otto Warburg (botanist) | James Warburg | Felix M. Warburg |
The library was inspired in part by the Warburg Institute Library in London, founded by German art historian Aby Warburg.