
4 unusual facts about Aby Warburg

Aby Warburg

Horst Bredekamp, Michael Diers, Charlotte Schoell-Glass (eds.): Aby Warburg. Akten des internat. Symposiums Hamburg 1990. Weinheim 1991.

Georges Didi-Huberman, L'image survivante: histoire de l'art et temps des fantômes selon Aby Warburg.

Oraibi, Arizona

Oraibi features prominently in a famous writing by Aby Warburg, "Das Schlangenritual. Ein Reisebericht.", which is the transcript of a lecture given in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland in 1923 (English translation "Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America"; also translated into many other languages).

Richard Semon

Semon's book Die Mneme directly influenced the Mnemosyne project of the idiosyncratic art historian Aby Warburg.

Prelinger Library

The library was inspired in part by the Warburg Institute Library in London, founded by German art historian Aby Warburg.

see also