Due to 450th anniversary of foundation of the Academic Gymnasium at Gdansk, Poland since 1945, which is on 13 June 2008, the National Museum in Gdańsk unveiled a memorial table dedicated to it and its contributions as part of Polish scholary and educational system.
Gymnasium (school) | gymnasium | academic journal | German Academic Exchange Service | Gymnasium | Academic journal | Academic degree | Glenn Danzig | gymnasium (school) | Academic conference | Reader (academic rank) | academic degree | Informatics (academic field) | Free City of Danzig | Academic Press | Michael Cox (academic) | Yoyogi National Gymnasium | Gymnasium (Germany) | Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries | Academic term | Academic administration | State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Russian Federation | It's Academic | Academic Ranking of World Universities | Academic publishing | Sheffield Academic Press | Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia | National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation | Evangelisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster | David Butler (academic) |