
unusual facts about Academy of Management

Society for Business Ethics

Meetings of the Society for Business Ethics are held in August, generally in conjunction with the meetings of the Academy of Management.

Fred Luthans

A recent quantitative analysis published in the Academy of Management Learning and Education Journal on the importance, scientific validity, and practical usefulness of all theories in the field found Luthans’ Organizational Behavior Modification Theory among the eight highest rated (along with those by Kurt Lewin, David McClelland, J. Richard Hackman, Edwin A. Locke, John B. Miner, Victor Vroom, and Bernard Bass).

Maria Goranova

She serves on the editorial board of Journal of Management, and is a member of the Academy of Management, International Association for Business and Society, and Strategic Management Society.

see also

Maria Goranova

Her research has been published in a number of leading journals including Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Business Research, and Academy of Management Proceedings.

Richard F. Ericson

Dr. Ericson was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma, American Economic Association, American Management Association, Society for General Systems Research, American Cybernetics Association, The Academy of Management, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the World Future Society.