
unusual facts about Acadian

Acadian Flycatcher

The present-day "Acadian Flycatcher" is not found in Acadia.

Acadian Lines

In 2011, Acadian Lines cancelled bus service on the route between Saint John, New Brunswick and Bangor, Maine due to low ticket sales.

Alice Azure

Azure has been granted recognition of aboriginal status as an Acadian descendant in Nova Scotia by the Association des Acadiens Metis-Sourquois (salt water people), who are located in Saulnierville, Digby County, Nova Scotia.

Battle of Petitcodiac

The battle was fought between the British colonial troops and Acadian resistance fighters led by French Officer Charles Deschamps de Boishébert on September 4, 1755 at the Acadian village of Village-des-Blanchard on the Petitcodiac River (present-day Hillsborough, New Brunswick, Canada).

Bones to Ashes

The opening two chapters provide details of Brennan's childhood and her holiday friendship on Pawleys Island, South Carolina, with an Acadian girl, Evangeline Landry, who mysteriously disappeared in her early teens.

Canada–France relations

While the gradual conquest of New France by the British, culminating in Wolfe's victory at the Plains of Abraham in 1759, deprived France of her North American empire, the 'French of Canada' - Québécois or habitants, Acadians, Métis, and others - remained.


The land was officially granted for the town in 1774 through the Royal Proclamation to 34 families of Acadian, Normand and Mi'kmaq origins.

Chéticamp, Nova Scotia

Chéticamp was a fishing station used during the summer months by Charles Robin, a merchant from the island of Jersey, and is considered one of the Acadian capitals of the world.

Company of One Hundred Associates

The expedition that year was led by Samuel de Champlain (who had also had an important role in establishing the Acadian colony), and resulted in the establishment of the colony that grew to become Quebec City.

Émile Lauvrière

Upon studying Evangeline, Longfellow's poem which follows an Acadian girl during the time of the Expulsion of the Acadians.

Evangeline Records

The name for the label comes from John Murry's daughter's name, Evangeline, born in 2004 and named after the tale by Longfellow and of Acadian and Cajun history.

Fort Pentagouet

During the Franco-Dutch War (1674), Pentagouet and other Acadian ports were captured by the Dutch captain Jurriaen Aernoutsz who arrived from New Amsterdam, renaming Acadia, New Holland.

Havre-Saint-Pierre, Quebec

In 1857, a group of Acadian families from the Magdalen Islands, who had previously been deported from Savannah (Georgia, USA), settled on Eskimo Point (Pointe aux Esquimaux).

History of the Acadians

The French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon near Newfoundland became a safe harbor for many Acadian families until they were once again deported by the British in 1778 and 1793.

There was already a long history of Acadian and Wabanaki Confederacy resistance to the British occupation of Acadia during the four French and Indian Wars and two local wars (Father Rale's War and Father Le Loutre's War) before the Expulsion of the Acadians.

Jacques LeBlanc

Jacques LeBlanc (born August 5, 1964 in Memramcook, New Brunswick, Canada) is a retired Acadian Middleweight Boxer.

Joseph Broussard

In the Action of 8 June 1755, a naval battle off Cape Race, Newfoundland, on board the French ships Alcide and Lys were found 10,000 scalping knives for Acadians and Indians serving under Chief Jean-Baptiste Cope and Acadian Beausoleil as they continue to fight Father Le Loutre's War.

Michel Bastarache dit Basque

The brothers went to Panaccadie, New Brunswick, where a few Acadian families were in hiding.

Milton, Louisiana

Early Acadian landowners in the area included Francois Broussard, son of Joseph Broussard dit Beausoleil; Jean Bernard; Pierre Vincent; Michel Meaux; Jean-Baptiste Trahan; and Joseph Boudreaux.

Pierre Morpain

He notably made a providential arrival, with supply-laden prizes in tow, at the Acadian capital, Port Royal, not long after the first 1707 siege.

Sable Island horse

The present-day horses are thought by most historians and scientists to have descended mostly from horses seized by the British from the Acadians during the Expulsion of the Acadians.

Sable Island National Park Reserve

This feral horse population is likely descended from horses confiscated from Acadians during the Great Expulsion and left on the island by Thomas Hancock, Boston merchant and uncle of John Hancock.

Shepody, New Brunswick

By 1701, Pierre Thibaudeau and members of his family moved from Port Royal to Shepody, inaugurating another cluster of Acadian settlements here and on the Petitcodiac River.

The Expulsion

Expulsion of the Acadians, the forced removal by the British of the Acadian people


In 2006, a Tintamarre was held to help inaugurate a new medical training program at the Université de Moncton; when asked why noisemaking had been included in an academic event, organizers explained that the Tintamarre was "an essential Acadian custom".

see also