Around 1994, the HKICPA slowly adopted their auditing and accounting standards from the IFAC and its associated standard setting bodies.
In 2005, the HKICPA adopted almost all the most current accounting and auditing standards from the IFAC and its associated standard setting bodies with the additions of a few local written interpretations of these principal based accounting and auditing standards.
Hong Kong | University of Hong Kong | King Kong | Hong Kong Island | Legislative Council of Hong Kong | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong International Airport | Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong First Division League | City University of Hong Kong | Chief Executive of Hong Kong | Hong Kong Sports Institute | Cinema of Hong Kong | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong dollar | District Councils of Hong Kong | Outlying Islands, Hong Kong | King Kong (2005 film) | Hong Kong Coliseum | Japanese occupation of Hong Kong | Government of Hong Kong | Donkey Kong | Yokohama FC Hong Kong | Stanley, Hong Kong | Hong Kong Sevens | Hong Kong Disneyland | Commercial Radio Hong Kong | Transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong | Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui | Hong Kong national football team |