His first victory, scored while he was in 17 Squadron stationed in Salonika, was on 21 April 1918 and was shared with fellow ace Acheson Goulding.
Ellie Goulding | Dean Acheson | Archibald Acheson, 2nd Earl of Gosford | Bobbie Goulding | Donald Acheson | Darrell Goulding | Arthur Acheson, 1st Earl of Gosford | Archibald Acheson, 4th Earl of Gosford | Valerie Goulding | Sir Basil Goulding, 3rd Baronet | Sir Arthur Acheson, 5th Baronet | Marrack Goulding | Jane Goulding | Goulding Chemicals | Eleanor D. Acheson | Archibald Acheson, 6th Earl of Gosford | Acheson Goulding | Acheson, Alberta |