
5 unusual facts about Achille Silvestrini

Achille Silvestrini

When the earliest speculation as to who would succeed John Paul II began in the middle 1990s, Silvestrini was a popular choice among liberal observers because he was seen as a man in the more moderate style of Paul VI rather than John Paul's hardline style.

Educated in Rome, Silvestrini became a priest in 1946 and after several years continuing his education in Rome via studies of theology, law and Church history, began a very long career in the Vatican Secretariat of State.

He then turned his focus for the next five years to the renewal of the Lateran Treaty on its fiftieth anniversary, and his diplomatic skills allowed him to sign a revised treaty that reflected the rapid secularisation of Italy since the 1960s.

In 1999 Silvestrini was the papal representative to the funeral of King Hussein of Jordan.

Under Pope Paul VI, he continued as administrative secretary to Jean-Marie Villot, and his experience was welcomed by John Paul after he became Pope in 1978.

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