
3 unusual facts about Acquasparta

Alessandro Ruspoli, 2nd Prince of Cerveteri

Alessandro, Principe Ruspoli (December 3, 1708 – Rome, June 20, 1779) was the 2nd Principe di Cerveteri, 2nd Marchese di Riano and 7th Conte di Vignanello, son of Francesco Maria Marescotti Ruspoli, 1st Prince of Cerveteri and wife Isabella Cesi dei Duchi di Acquasparta, maternal niece of Pope Innocent XIII.

Federico Cesi

In 1618 he moved to Acquasparta and lived there until his death at the age of forty-five.

Ippolito Lante Montefeltro della Rovere

His brother, Lodovico Lante married Olimpia Cesi, daughter of Federico Cesi, Duke of Acquasparta.


Acquasparta |


When the via Flaminia was built, its western branch proceeded north from Narni, sparking the development not only of Carsulae, but also of Acquasparta and Bevagna.

see also