
3 unusual facts about ActionAid

Ek Alag Mausam

As a result, a non-governmental organization ActionAid took the initiative and made a film on AIDS titled 'Ek Alag Mausam'.

Jeroninio Almeida, the fund-raising director of ActionAid asserted that a serious subject can be dealt with in an entertaining way, without trivialising the issue.

Feminization of agriculture

ActionAid is also involved in activism towards the alleviation of poverty.


ActionAid |

ActionAid Australia

ActionAid Australia was a founding member of the Australian arm of 1GOAL – the official campaign for the FIFA World Cup.

Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies

The Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies(CBHA) consists of 15 UK based NGOs - ActionAid, Action Against Hunger, CARE International UK, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide UK, Helpage International, International Rescue Committee, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Merlin, Oxfam GB, Plan International UK, Save the Children UK, Tearfund and World Vision UK.

see also