
unusual facts about Aculeata

Aloe aculeata

Aloe aculeata (common names include ngopanie, sekope, red hot poker aloe) is an Aloe species that is native to the Limpopo valley and Mpumalanga in South Africa along with southern and central Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

Charles Thomas Bingham

Here he worked, unpaid, in the “Insect Room” of the Natural History Museum, organising and cataloguing the world collection of Aculeate Hymenoptera.


M. aculeata grows on the banks of the Orinoco and its tributaries in Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil, M. marcolada inhabits the western slopes of the Andes in Colombia and Ecuador to an elevation of 900 m, with M. armata (locally known as aguajillo) being the most widespread, found throughout Amazonia and adjacent uplands, alongside streams and rivers.

Parkinsonia aculeata

The genus name Parkinsonia honors the English botanist John Parkinson (1567–1650), while the species Latin name aculeata refers to the thorny stem of this plant.

see also