
unusual facts about Ada Yonath

Israel Technology Transfer Organization

In 2012 ITTN conducted the first annual conference which includes speakers such as; Prof. Manuel Trachtenberg, Dotan Peleg, Dr. Yona Geffen, Mooly Eden, President of Intel Israel, Avi Hasson - Israel's Chief Scientist, Vicki Lewise, CEO AUTM, Yossi Smoler, Prof. Odede Shoseyov, David Zigdon, Prof. Ada Yonath and Dr. Hadar Wismunsky.

World Summit on Evolution

It has joined some of the world most famous researchers working on evolution from over 15 different countries, including Peter and Rosemary Grant, Niles Eldredge, Antonio Lazcano, Douglas Futuyma, Lynn Margulis, Ada Yonath, William H. Calvin, Daniel Dennett, among others.

see also