Green Day | Green Party | Green Bay Packers | Adam | Green Bay, Wisconsin | Adam Smith | Green | Green Lantern | Adam and Eve | Adam Mickiewicz | Adam Sandler | Green Acres | Al Green | Green Bay | Bowling Green State University | Dixon of Dock Green | Anne of Green Gables | Tom Green | Bowling Green, Kentucky | Adam Lambert | Green River | Adam-12 | Adam Ant | Wood Green | Goose Green | Bethnal Green | Adam Faith | Adam Again | Seth Green | Green Valley |
Animation Block Party expanded to a four day festival in 2013, including an opening night concert with performances by Adam Green, Hooray for Earth, Tim Harrington, and others, and exclusive animation from Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon and Pixar.
"Corporate Cannibal", written by Grace Jones, Ivor Guest, Adam Green and Marc van Eyck, is a trip hop song incorporating rock and electronic elements, and lyrically exploiting the issue of corporate capitalism.
The critics and artists who wrote for the New Art Examiner, included Devonna Pieszak, Fred Camper, Jan Estep, Ann Wiens, Bill Stamets, Adam Green (cartoonist), Robert Storr, Carol Diehl, Jerry Saltz, Eleanor Heartney, Betty McCasland, Carol Squiers, Janet Koplos, Vince Carducci, Danielle Probst, and Mark Staff Brandl.
The EP was re-released by Downtown Records in October 2009, including the new songs "Don't To Do", "You Bleed You", "Hold Your Head", and a cover version of "Just a Friend", by Biz Markie, recorded with Adam Green.
Sixes & Sevens, Adam Green's fifth solo record, released on March 7, 2008
Since 2008, The Voluntary Butler Scheme has toured with Duke Special, Joe Lean & the Jing Jang Jong, Brakes, Jason Lytle (Grandaddy) & Adam Green.