
unusual facts about Adam Oehlenschläger

Adam Oehlenschläger

Here he wrote the first of his great historical tragedies, Hakon Jarl, which he sent off to Copenhagen, and then proceeded for the winter months to Berlin, where he associated with Humboldt, Fichte, and the leading men of the day, and met Goethe for the first time.

Das Veilchen

Musical settings in other languages include the composers Halfdan Kjerulf to a Danish translation by Adam Oehlenschläger, Johan Erik Nordblom to a Swedish text, and an English version by Clara Kathleen Rogers.

Moltke's Mansion

Among the Danish artists who regularly attended her salons were Jens Baggesen, Adam Oehlenschläger, Johanne Luise Heiberg, C.E.F Weyse, B. S. Ingemann and Kamma Rahbek.

see also