
3 unusual facts about Adele Astaire


Adele Astaire, a dancer and entertainer and Fred Astaire's older sister

Betty Compton

A member of Ziegfeld Follies, she appeared in the original stage production of Funny Face (1927) alongside Fred Astaire and Adele Astaire, as well as Oh, Kay! in 1926.

Kingman Douglass

Kingman Douglass married Adele Astaire, daughter of Frederick E. Astaire, and sister of the celebrated Broadway and Hollywood actor and dancer Fred Astaire, on April 29, 1947.

Mugar Memorial Library

The holdings of the Gotlieb Archive include Isaac Asimov's papers, which fill 464 boxes on 232 feet (71 meters) of shelf space, as well as the archives of Bette Davis, Gene Kelly, Adele Astaire, Martin Luther King, David B. Zilberman and many other notable individuals from the Twentieth century.

see also