Advanced Vector Extensions, an instruction set extension in the x86 microprocessor architecture
Its publications were early advocates of the incorporation of vector processing and vector instruction sets into microprocessors, and several commercial microprocessors, such as the Intel AVX, subsequently adopted vector processing instruction set extensions.
Institute for Advanced Study | vector | Advanced Placement | Vector (epidemiology) | Advanced Audio Coding | Advanced Encryption Standard | Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies | Canadian Institute for Advanced Research | Advanced Micro Devices | Euclidean vector | Advanced Landing Ground | Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies | Vector graphics | National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology | Vector | School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences | Advanced Management Program | College of Advanced Education | Advanced Systems Format | Advanced Photon Source | Advanced Mobile Phone System | Advanced Access Content System | Vector Motors | The Advanced Visualizer | Rafael Advanced Defense Systems | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study | International School for Advanced Studies | Institute of Advanced Motorists | Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age | Center for Advanced Visual Studies |