
2 unusual facts about Adyghe


Republic of Adygea, one of the Republics of Russia and the successor of the Adyghe Autonomous Oblast

Adyghe Autonomous Oblast, an autonomous oblast of the Russian SFSR which existed from 1922 to 1991

Abkhaz language

Abkhaz is a Northwest Caucasian language, and is therefore related to Adyghe.

Adyghe grammar

Adyghe also declines nouns into four different cases, each with corresponding suffixes: absolutive, ergative, instrumental, and invertive.

Bzhedug people

Bzhedug or Bazdug (Adyghe: Бжъэдыгъу, Russian: Бжедуги) are one of the twelve tribal divisions of the Adyghe.

Circassian diaspora

In 2009, the Circassian Culture Academy was founded, aiming to preserve the Circassian language, which comprises the closely related Adyghe and Kabardian languages (considered to be dialects of Circassian by some linguists).

see also