
unusual facts about Aeolis


Aeolis Mons |

Aeolis Mons

Compared to the Andes, Aeolis Mons would rank outside the hundred tallest peaks, being roughly the same height as Argentina's Cerro Pajonal; the peak is higher than any above sea level in Oceania above sea level, but base-to peak it is considerably shorter than Hawaii's Mauna Kea and its neighbors.

Agia Paraskevi, Lesbos

Near the village at Klopedi, are the remains of the ancient Aeolian temple of Napaios Apollo, while Messa, also nearby, boasts the ruins of a big Ionian temple (late 4th–early 3rd century BC), possibly dedicated to three Greek deities: Zeus, Hera and Dionysos.


Herodotus (4.17, 52) placed the Halizones among the Scythians in the region of modern Vinnytsia Ukraine, while Ephorus, equating them with Amazons, located them near Cyme in Asia Minor.

Hellanicus of Mytilene

According to the Suda, he lived for some time at the court of one of the kings of Macedon, and died at Perperene, a city in Aeolis on the plateau of Kozak near Pergamon, opposite Lesbos.

see also