
unusual facts about African Association

Johann Ludwig Burckhardt

After studying in Leipzig and at the University of Göttingen he visited England in the summer of 1806, carrying a letter of introduction from the naturalist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach to Sir Joseph Banks, who, with the other members of the African Association, accepted his offer in 1809 to launch an expedition to discover the source of the River Niger.

see also

International Association of the Congo

It was not made clear to Henry Morton Stanley, who signed a five-year contract to establish bases in the Congo in 1878, whether he was working for the International African Association, the Committee for Study of the Upper Congo, or Leopold himself.

Kleist Sykes

He met Dr. James Aggrey, Ghanaian teacher, who inspired Sykes to form the Tanganyika African Association (AA) in 1929, along with friends including Mzee bin Sudi, Cecil Matola, Suleiman Mjisu and Raikes Kusi.