It is the sequel to the Scagliotti-produced 1986 film Before Stonewall and is narrated by musician Melissa Etheridge.
In 1999, producer Scagliotti directed a companion piece, After Stonewall.
It was produced by Janet Baus and Dan Hunt, both of whom had worked with Scagliotti on his previous film After Stonewall.
Basile was an executive producer of the 1989 documentary After Stonewall.
Stonewall Jackson | Stonewall | Stonewall riots | After Stonewall | Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson | Stonewall (UK) | Stonewall Jackson's Way (board game) | Stonewall Jackson's Way | Stonewall Jackson (musician) | Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War | Stonewall (film) | Stonewall (comics) | Stonewall Book Award | Before Stonewall | Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson's | Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson | Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson | Stonewall, Texas | Stonewall Riots | Stonewall Jackson High School | Stonewall Jackson Area Council | Stonewall Inn | General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson |
The Cairo 52 were featured in a documentary by After Stonewall Productions, narrated by Janeane Garofalo, entitled Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World.