
2 unusual facts about Agathangelos


Agathangelos, the name (possibly pseudonym) of the author of a text about Gregory the Illuminator

Komitas Aghtsetsi

Instead, it spoke on subjects that were first raised in History, the celebrated work of the fifth-century Armenian historian Agatangeghos, which talks about Armenia's conversion to Christianity.


Agathangelos |

Gregory the Illuminator

The original authorities for Gregory's life are Agathangelos, whose History of Tiridates was published by the Mekhitarists in 1835; Moses of Chorene, Historiae Armenicae; and Symeon the Metaphrast.


In the Battle of Crete in 1941, Agathangelos Lagouvardos helped supply British, Australian and New Zealand troops on the island, and provided shelter for them.

see also