The film stars Ilmari Saarelainen as James Bond impersonator Joonas G. Breitenfeldt (Agent 000) and Tenho Saurén as a bank robber.
Very much the typical spoof the film includes all the typical elements of the James Bond films, an evil genius villain, car chases, helicopters, gadgets and beautiful women.
10,000 metres | 2,000 Guineas Stakes | 1,000 Guineas Stakes | 10,000 Maniacs | Warhammer 40,000 | Agentti 000 ja kuoleman kurvit | 1,000 Places to See Before You Die | The "sea of plastic" covering 20,000 ha of the Poniente Almeriense | Men's 1.000 m Time Trial | 1,000 Places to See in the USA and Canada Before You Die | 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong | Year 10,000 problem | Wood-engraving of 1874's 2,000 Guineas Stakes | Women's 3,000 metres | The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T | The 10,000 Year Explosion | Sisters of Battle (Warhammer 40,000) | men's 5,000 metres | Dow 36,000 | Colorado's peaks over 14,000 foot elevation | Codex (Warhammer 40,000) | Athletics at the 2008 Summer Olympics – Women's 10,000 metres | 80,000 Hours | $5,000 No Limit Hold'em | 4,000 lb "cookie" bomb | 116 000 | 1,000 Places to See Before You Die (TV series) | 1,000 Pies | 1,000 Hours | 10,000 Days |
He has written the scripts for Finnish films such as the 1983 James Bond spoof Agentti 000 ja kuoleman kurvit which featured actors Ilmari Saarelainen and Tenho Sauren directed by Visa Mäkinen.
She began acting in film in 1982 making several appearances such as in the 1983 James Bond spoof Agentti 000 ja kuoleman kurvit opposite actors Ilmari Saarelainen and Tenho Sauren and in the 2001 Timo Koivusalo film Rentun ruusu more recently.
Polster began acting in Finnish film in 1976 and has made a number of appearances in Finnish film throughout the late 1970s and 1980s, appearing in many films such as the 1983 James Bond spoof Agentti 000 ja kuoleman kurvit where she acted alongside actors such as Ilmari Saarelainen and Tenho Sauren.
He has directed and produced films such as the 1983 James Bond spoof Agentti 000 ja kuoleman kurvit which featured actors Ilmari Saarelainen and Tenho Sauren.