
unusual facts about Agitprop

Agitprop! Records

The recording features queercore bands such as Fagatron, Best Revenge, The Rotten Fruits, Kids like Us and others, and is one of a handful of queercore compilations to be released.


Agitprop | agitprop |

A Grin Without a Cat

J. Hoberman reviewed the film for The Village Voice, and wrote that "Marker begins by evoking Battleship Potemkin, and although hardly agitprop, A Grin Without a Cat is in that tradition—a montage film with a mass hero. Unlike Eisenstein, however, Marker isn't out to invent historical truth so much as to look for it."

Ahead of the Lions

"...an agitprop opus that attacks the apathy, paranoia, and mood-altered gazes of George Bush-era America"- Stephen Mooallem, Interview Magazine

Ra-Ra Zoo

Ra-Ra Zoo was influenced by the agitprop and political theatre of the late 1960s and early 70's and the ritual theatre and 'Happenings' associated with the time notably the 'Grand Magic Circus', 'Circus Oz, 'The People Show', 'Cunning Stunts, 'The Festival of Fools' in Amsterdam and the German choreographer Pina Bausch.

Wilhelm Lachnit

He joined the Communist Party of Germany in 1924 and was active in producing various forms of Agitprop throughout the 1920s.

see also