
3 unusual facts about Agravain

Guinevere: The Legend in Autumn

Beginning with Guinevere reflecting while imprisoned before being burnt at the stake for her affair with Lancelot, Guinevere retells the quest of the Holy Grail, the coming of Perceval and Gareth to the court and Mordred's rebellion with his brothers Agravain and Gaheris.

Queen of the Summer Stars

The novel introduces Lancelot and also outlines King Arthur's victory at the Battle of Badon Hill as well as his betrayal by his halfsister Morgan la Fay, the death of Merlin and the death of Morgause by her son Agravain Guinevere takes in and raises Mordred Morgause and Arthur's son after Mordred is revealed to Guinevere as King Arthur's son.

The Knight of the Sacred Lake

It follows the lives of Queen Guinevere, or Guenevere, and her strife with Agravain and Gawain, as well as that of her lover's, Lancelot, as they both enter different paths in their lives, away from each other.


Agravain |

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