
unusual facts about Agrippa


He lived at first up three flights of stairs, and his "garret" overlooked the laurels in front of the portico of Agrippa.

Battle of Actium

Military operations began in 31 BC, when Octavian's general Agrippa captured Methone, a Greek town allied to Antony.

Camillo Agrippa

Agrippa is mentioned in the film "The Princess Bride" during the swordplay scene above the Cliffs of Insanity when Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) and Westley (Cary Elwes) (then dressed as the Dread Pirate Roberts) engage each other in swordplay.

Ceremonial magic

But according to Aleister Crowley, perhaps the most influential ceremonial magician of the Modern era, much of it was cribbed from Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy.

De occulta philosophia

Three Books of Occult Philosophy, a book by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim

Justus of Tiberias

As well as a history of the war, Justus also wrote a chronicle of the kings of Israel from the time of Moses to Agrippa II, which Photios remarked failed to make any mention of Jesus Christ.


Pompeius himself during the battle had been encamped with his land forces at Naulochus (Appian l. c. 121), and after his victory, Octavian, in his turn, took up his station there, while Agrippa and Lepidus advanced to attack Messana (modern Messina).

Personal life of Marcus Tullius Cicero

Cicero's son, Marcus Tullius Cicero Minor, during his year as a consul in 30 BC, avenged his father's death somewhat when he announced to the Senate Mark Antony's naval defeat at Actium in 31 BC by Octavian and his capable commander-in-chief Agrippa.

Pons Agrippae

To connect his villa to the Field of Mars, where Agrippa had built several important monuments, it has been suggested that Agrippa constructed the Pons Agrippae.

see also