
unusual facts about Aimag


Aimag, an administrative subdivision of China and Mongolia


aimag | Aimag |


Baganuur is actually a separate city, located as an exclave of 620 km² at the border between the Töv and Khentii aimags.

Jargalant, Khövsgöl

The sum features one of the very few surviving pre-1990 lamaist structures of the aimag, Jargalantyn Dugan (temple) dating from 1890.

Outer Mongolia

There was and is some confusion about whether Outer Mongolia only consisted of the four Khalkha aimags (Setsen Khan Aimag, Tüsheet Khan Aimag, Sain Noyon Khan Aimag and Zasagt Khan Aimag), or of Khalkha plus Oyirad areas Khovd and Tannu Uriankhai.

see also