Akçataş, Kalecik, a village in the district of Kalecik, Ankara Province
Kalecik | Yılanlı, Kalecik | Gökdere, Kalecik | Çaykaya, Kalecik | Akçataş, Kastamonu | Akçataş, Kalecik |
Akçataş, Kastamonu, a village in the district of Kastamonu, Kastamonu Province
Çaykaya, Kalecik, a village in the district of Kalecik, Ankara Province
Gökdere, Kalecik, a village in Kalecik district of Ankara Province
Places of interest to visitors include the tomb and mosque in the village of Dedeşen and the castles of Kalecik and Ugurtaşı.
After severe fighting in which an Ottoman prince was killed and the castles of Ankara, Kalecik, and others were besieged, Bayezid (the Thunderbolt) prevailed and the area was brought under Ottoman control.
Yılanlı, Kalecik, a village in the district of Kalecik, Ankara Province, Turkey