
unusual facts about Akçay, İnebolu


Akçay, İnebolu, a village in the district of İnebolu, Kastamonu Province


Akçay, Elmalı, a village in the district of Elmalı, Antalya Province

Akçay, Edremit, a municipality in the district of Edremit, Balıkesir Province


A Turkish friend of Jona Lendering once told him that in the early 1970s, when he was hunting in the hills near Inebolu, the modern name of Ionopolis, people warned him about a magical snake.

Kastamonu University

With the regulation of the University Senate and approval of The Higher Education Council; works related to the foundation of Faculty of Communication, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, School of Tourism and Hotel Management and vocational schools in the districts of Kastamonu (Abana, Araç, Cide, İnebolu, Taşköprü and Tosya) are being carried on.

see also